
J.J. Duncan
3 min readApr 19, 2022

When I woke up this morning, I was feeling pretty much like myself. Sleepy and stretchy, stiff and sluggish. Of course I did. It was 6am. But also — I mean to say, I felt like ME. My name. My body. Me.

This may seem unremarkable, I realize. But it comes off of having a very distinct experience in the middle of last night’s drowsy hours rolling by, in which I — either awake or asleep, or somewhere in between — had the very distinct realization that I was NOT me. I was something much larger.

I was all of us. You, me, the rocks, the dirt, the plants, the trash cans. I was. I just… was. All…



J.J. Duncan

I make TV. I’m a mom & a wife-of-a-wife. I attempt badassery daily - "attempt" being the key word. At times I am clever.