Not Shattered

J.J. Duncan
6 min readOct 8, 2022

My favorite coffee mug broke the other day. It was a clean break. In half. I was going for my second cup of the morning, and attempted to rest the mug on the tray of the coffee maker. In one motion, the tray revealed that it was not securely inserted into the coffee maker, and the mug toppled off onto the counter in a one-two, gravity-clunk move — then before it could take the next leap off onto the floor, it landed squarely into my desperate, reaching, cupped palms as I scrambled to rescue the disaster.

I looked down at my hands and there it was — my penguin mug. In two large pieces. I cried harder than…



J.J. Duncan

I make TV. I’m a mom & a wife-of-a-wife. I attempt badassery daily - "attempt" being the key word. At times I am clever.